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UV Holographic swirl taper, 8 ga, gauge taper, large taper body piercing, how to taper piercing, genital piercings
, diamond nose rings vancouver

Total Price: $
  • Gauge (Thickness): 8 (3.2mm)
  • Material: acrylic
  • Type: taper / hole expander
  • -: O-rings included
  • -: priced and sold in pairs

UV Holographic swirl taper, 0 ga
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UV Holographic swirl taper, 0 ga
Gauge (Thickness): 0 (8.0mm) Material: acrylic Type: taper / hole expander -: O-rings included -: priced and sold in pairs
UV transparent taper with swirl pyrex design, 0 ga
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UV transparent taper with swirl pyrex design, 0 ga
Gauge (Thickness): 0 (8.0mm) Material: acrylic Type: taper / hole expander -: O-rings included -: priced and sold in pairs
UV transparent taper with swirl pyrex design, 00 ga
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UV transparent taper with swirl pyrex design, 00 ga
Gauge (Thickness): 00 (10mm) Material: acrylic Type: taper / hole expander -: O-rings included -: priced and sold in pairs
Swirly marble multi-color taper
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Swirly marble multi-color taper
Material: acrylic Type: taper / hole expander -: priced and sold in pairs
Here you can buy a lot of really cool jewelry for all type body piercing, including gauge taper, large taper body piercing, how to taper piercing, genital piercings, diamond nose rings vancouver, padlock body jewelery, male genital prince albert piercings, body piercings faq.